The Effects Of Anabolic Steroids On The Brain

Anabolic steroids are synthetic chemical substance that mimics the action of testosterone, a male sex hormone. Abuse of anabolic substances is a significant health risk for young athletes and non-athletes as well.

Particular doses of these substances have a lot of medical uses because of their unique healing properties. However, doctors do not prescribe an anabolic steroid to healthy and young athletes because of their adverse effects. Steroids indeed have physical benefits, but only temporarily. This is why we always recommend the use of legal steroids for a better health on the long term.

Their consistent use of steroids for a long time can considerably change one's brain functionality. Young adults should be aware of the fact that mental health is as important as physical health. More profound knowledge of the effects of anabolic substances on adolescents' central nervous system is obligatory.

Cerebral Alteration That Occurs Due To Anabolic Steroids

Many physiological dangers are related to steroids; these are highly addictive and have withdrawal effects too. They affect the brain silently by not showing short-term results. Even experimental animals have demonstrated cerebral tissue abnormalities after doses of anabolic steroids. [1]

In the long term, anabolic steroids affect the central nervous system of the human brain, directly on neurotransmitter systems. Anabolic steroids interfere with the normal cerebral pathways. Their primary target of action on the brain is those parts that are related to regulating sexuality, aggression, and mood.

Studies have shown that large doses of anabolic steroids have demonstrated programmed cell death in adult rats in vitro, an irreversible loss [2]. Chronic and regular use of anabolic steroids can cause dysfunction in specific parts of the central nervous system. They cause many mental disturbances and social problems, including:

Delusion and Depression:

Various psychotic problems are associated with anabolic steroids. Studies have shown that 65% of anabolic steroids users had psychotic and 70% had paranoid thoughts. [3]

Moreover, anabolic steroids with moderate to high doses are associated with inducing several psychiatric disorders such as mania, hypomania, and major depression. [4]

Anxiety Like Behavior:

Anabolic steroids have an association with behavioral changes. In a study, experimental animals were given anabolic steroid doses at given time intervals. They showed changes in glutaminergic, dopaminergic, and serotonergic signaling, resulting in anxiety. [5]

Extreme Aggression Leading To Violence:

This hormone is directly associated with human aggression [6]. Long-term usage of steroids in high doses can cause irritability, extreme verbal aggression even violence in users.

Scientists have researched the association between aggression and anabolic steroids by administering steroid doses in humans for a particular time. Then, assessed by questionnaire and in one study found that testosterone over six weeks period has an association with elevated aggression. [7]  

Mood Swings:

Anabolic steroids are responsible for altering specific hormone concentrations that directly influence mood changes. 95% of users admitted to increased anger and hostility due to abusing these substances [8]. In several studies, users reported experiencing more aggression than non-users. [9]

Compromising mental health to gain a particular reputation about a physical image is an illusion. Unawareness about the secondary effects of anabolic steroids can be risky for public health.

Steroids also have other effects on your health such as your testosterone levels, click here to read our dedicated article.

